
conference talks, posters, and tutorials

Date Venue Title Links
2024-09-11 ECML PKDD 2024
Vilnius, Lithuania
On the robustness of global feature effect explanations [slides] [paper] [poster]
2024-07-27 ICML 2024
Vienna, Austria
Efficient and accurate explanation estimation with distribution compression [poster] [paper]
2024-02-12 BIRS 2024
Banff, Canada
Interpretable machine learning for time-to-event prediction in medicine and healthcare [slides] [video]
2023-08-31 IJCAI 2023
Macao, SAR
Adversarial attacks and defenses in explainable artificial intelligence: A survey [slides] [paper]
2023-06-13 AIME 2023
Portoroz, Slovenia
Hospital length of stay prediction based on multi-modal data towards trustworthy human-AI collaboration in radiomics [slides] [paper]
2022-11-05 ML in PL 2022
Warsaw, Poland
Interactive sequential analysis of a model improves the performance of human decision-making [slides] [paper] [video]
2022-09-21 ECML PKDD 2022
Grenoble, France
Fooling partial dependence via data poisoning [slides] [paper] [poster]
2022-08-08 JSM 2022
Washington DC, USA
dalex: Responsible machine learning with interactive explainability and fairness in Python [award] [slides] [abstract] [paper]
2022-02-25 AAAI 2022
Manipulating SHAP via adversarial data perturbations [poster] [paper] [demo]
2021-11-06 ML in PL 2021
Manipulating explainability and fairness in machine learning [slides]
2021-07-07 useR! 2021
Introduction to responsible machine learning [materials] [video]
2021-07-05 useR! 2021
Open the machine learning black-box with modelStudio & Arena [slides] [video] [demo]
2021-02-06 AAAI 2021
Responsible prediction making of COVID-19 mortality [poster] [paper] [demo]