
event timeline archive

2024 Sep A paper shapiq: Shapley interactions for machine learning is accepted at NeurIPS 2024.
2024 Aug A paper Aggregated attributions for explanatory analysis of 3D segmentation models is accepted for publication at WACV 2025 in the 1st round of reviews (12% of valid submissions).
2024 Jul I will present a paper Efficient and accurate explanation estimation with distribution compression at the ICML 2024 Workshop on DMLR.
2024 Jun I received the Minister’s (of Science and Higher Education, Poland) scholarship for outstanding young scientists.
2024 May A paper On the robustness of global feature effect explanations is accepted at ECML PKDD 2024.
2024 Apr A paper Performance is not enough: The story told by a Rashomon quartet is accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics.
2024 Apr Two papers on Red teaming are accepted at ICLR 2024 Workshops and CVPR 2024 Workshops .
2024 Mar I stay in Germany until June for a 4-month research visit at LMU Munich hosted by Bernd Bischl and Giuseppe Casalicchio.
2024 Feb A paper Adversarial attacks and defenses in explainable artificial intelligence: A survey is accepted for publication in Information Fusion.
2024 Jan I will give a talk Interpretable machine learning for time-to-event prediction in medicine and healthcare at the BIRS 2024 workshop on statistical aspects of trustworthy machine learning in Banff, Canada.
2023 Nov A paper survex: an R package for explaining machine learning survival models is accepted for publication in Bioinformatics.
2023 Jun A paper Adversarial attacks and defenses in explainable artificial intelligence: A survey is accepted for presentation at the IJCAI 2023 Workshop on XAI.
2023 Apr We are organising Joint workshops on XAI methods, challenges and applications (XAI^3) at the ECAI 2023 conference in Cracow, Poland. Paper submission deadline is July 18, 2023.
2023 Apr A paper Towards evaluating explanations of vision transformers for medical imaging is accepted for publication at CVPR 2023 Workshops.
2023 Mar A paper Hospital length of stay prediction based on multi-modal data towards trustworthy human-AI collaboration in radiomics is accepted for publication at the AIME 2023 conference.
2023 Mar I received the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) “Pearls of Science” grant for a 4-year research project Interpretable machine learning models for prediction in medical applications.
2023 Feb I have supervised three students who successfully defended a BSc thesis in Data Science on Automated explanation selection for convolutional neural networks.
2023 Jan A paper The grammar of interactive explanatory model analysis is accepted for publication in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
2022 Dec A paper SurvSHAP(t): Time-dependent explanations of machine learning survival models is accepted for publication in Knowledge-Based Systems.
2022 Oct A paper Multi-omics disease module detection with an explainable greedy decision forest is published in Scientific Reports.
2022 Sep I got admissioned to PhD in Computer Science at the University of Warsaw & with external funding from the National Science Centre (Poland) Preludium Bis research grant ARES: Attack-resistant explanations toward secure and trustworthy AI. Thanks to my supervisor Przemyslaw Biecek.
2022 Sep I graduated with an MSc in Data Science from Warsaw University of Technology by defending a thesis titled From manipulating to evaluating explanations of machine learning models.
2022 Jun A paper Fooling partial dependence via data poisoning is accepted for publication at ECML PKDD 2022.
2022 Mar I received the Minister’s (of Science and Higher Education, Poland) scholarship for students with significant scientific achievements.
2022 Jan I received the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award for the dalex Python package & got invited to give a talk at the 2022 Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington DC, USA. Kudos to the dalex team!
2021 Oct Manipulating SHAP via adversarial data perturbations (student abstract) is accepted at AAAI 2022.
2021 Sep A paper dalex: Responsible machine learning with interactive explainability and fairness in Python is accepted for publication in the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
2021 May I will contribute to the useR! 2021 conference with a talk Open the machine learning black-box with modelStudio & Arena, and a tutorial Introduction to responsible machine learning.
2021 Feb I started an MSc in Data Science at Warsaw University of Technology.
2021 Feb I graduated with a BSc in Data Science from Warsaw University of Technology by defending a thesis titled Adversarial attacks on explainable AI methods.
2020 Nov Responsible prediction making of COVID-19 mortality (student abstract) is accepted at AAAI 2021.